
Monday, August 9, 2010



My lunch with my grandma today was wonderful! We went to Topaz in Burr Ridge. It is this posh little restaurant settled in the middle of an outdoor shopping mall. I'd gone there once before and absolutely loved it.

Today I ordered the Chicken Panini. It had large chunks of chicken with spinach, gruyere cheese, roasted red peppers, and herb mayonnaise. There was a bit too much chicken (I looked like Sally from When Harry Met Sally... pulling off half the meat). Overall, though, it was a tasty sandwich. And those potato chips?! OMG-ate every one of them!

We had a little surprise during our meal. Half-way through the lights began to flicker and we were told that the electricity had gone out over the entire strip! The restaurant was running on half-power and as we walked around the shops afterwards, it seemed a lot were. Some were not lucky enough to even get that!

I had a wonderful time with my grandma today. It's nice to be with family, especially when there is delicious food involved :-D

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for your wonderful writeup. We apologize for the power glitch but of course you know that was out of our control. Thank you again and look forward to seeing you and your grandma back soon!

    Best Regards,

    David Jelinek
    Topaz Manager
