
Monday, July 19, 2010

Too Much Fun

Hello! Liz here :-D

So, this weekend was just amazing. I went downtown to the Cubs game (they won!!) and then hung out with friends all weekend. We ate and took part in all types of frivolity. This obviously means that any semblance of healthy eating went right out the window, although all the walking we did probably counteracted it.

Ignore the creepy lighting, lol.
Story of my weekend. haha

Today I decided that I should be a bit careful with my food. One weekend obviously will not do too much damage but my tummy is telling me that today I should take it easy. Hence my lunch of muesli and an apple :-D

The muesli is from Trader Joe's and had lots of dried fruit in it. I've never had dried blueberries before and now I realize what a sad, sad thing that is, haha.

Well, I am off to the dentist. Feel free to groan with me ;-)


  1. I can relate...too much fun this weekend had to be balanced out with some healthy eats today :). Worth it once in a while though, right!?

  2. my brother lives in NYC and I always enjoy lots and lots of food there...but I never gain b/c of all the walking! there's something to be said for just plain ole walking!
